Sunday, May 19, 2024

Rapper Prakash Neupane's music amplifying marginalized voices in Nepal


Kathmandu, 31 March (2023) - Nepalese rapper Prakash Neupane has been using his music to amplify the voices of the marginalized in Nepal.

He has been using his platform to address issues of social inequality, political corruption, and the struggles faced by marginalized communities in Nepal. One of Neupane's most powerful political songs is "Satta", which translates to "Power".

In the song, Neupane addresses the corrupt political system in Nepal, which he believes is controlled by a small group of elites who do not represent the interests of the people. The song's lyrics are a call to action, urging Nepalis to rise up against the corrupt system and demand change.

Another politically charged song by Neupane is "Bang Bang". The song addresses the issue of police brutality in Nepal and calls for accountability and justice for those who have been victimized by police violence. The song's powerful lyrics, combined with Neupane's impassioned delivery, have made it a rallying cry for those seeking justice for police brutality victims.

In addition to his political songs, Neupane has also been using his music to address issues of social inequality in Nepal. His song "Arajakniti", which translates to "Politics of Exclusion", addresses the issue of caste-based discrimination in Nepal. The song's lyrics point out the ways in which lower-caste Nepalis are excluded from opportunities and denied basic rights, and calls for an end to the caste system. 

Neupane's music reflects a deep understanding of the struggles faced by marginalized communities in Nepal. His music offers a voice to those who are often silenced by societal norms and offers a platform for their stories to be heard.

While Neupane's music has gained popularity in Nepal, it has also received attention from international audiences. In 2023, Neupane was invited to BBC radio show  “The Cultural Frontline”, where he used his platform to raise awareness about political crisis, corruption and struggles of Nepalese citizens.

However, Neupane's success has not come without challenges. As a political rapper in Nepal, Neupane has faced resistance and criticism from those who view his music as divisive or radical. 

Despite these challenges, Neupane has continued to use his music as a tool for social change. He has collaborated with other Nepali artists to create powerful music that addresses issues of social inequality, political corruption, and human rights abuses in Nepal.

His music has become a rallying cry for those seeking justice and equality in a country where marginalized communities are often excluded from the political process.

Prakash Neupane’s music addresses important social and political issues in Nepal, and offers a platform for the stories and struggles of Nepali people to be heard. Despite facing challenges and criticism, Neupane has continued to use his music to effect change and empower those who are often excluded from mainstream Nepali society.
